Sail Chat 6th October
Strong stream and a fair south easterly to stem it, along with overcast skies but a reasonable temperature beckoned us. Experienced team of Phil Dalby and the Dutchess were running the racing and Susan was running Alan in the Timekeepers box.
Only two takers in the morning Tim in his Comet and me in the Enterprise with John Hollands who gamely volunteered, maybe not again as a number of marks were collected, discarded and circles performed. The breeze got us both round very adequately with the occasional very strong puff. Great to be sailing on the river again after a lapse.
In the afternoon much better attendance two Merlins, Hywel and very small grandchild, of which he has a profusion and John B with Deirdre, both fully attired as though ready for a dunking. John flew his spinnaker but the featherweight crew and none kept ahead. Three Comets with Tim, George and David, David retired with stressed rigging, causing anxiety and the other two managed in separate ways to negotiate the Enterprise firmly attached to the windward mark. Tim tried to round the mark once released but by that time it was in the cut and he had a scenic route around Garricks Ait to get back on course.
The two Enterprises Ian with John H (glutton for punishment) and me with Dutch Paul. Considerable competitive urges overcame both and rules were quoted on occasion. Phill did his best to provide advantage by again hitting marks three times and as reported collecting a mark, requiring so many circles. Once again plenty of wind to get round the course.
Tea was by Lizzie & Susie with delicious cake and, as is now the habit, a goodly crowd to enjoy it.
Finished off by Rebellion IPA. Merlin Weekend next come along and listen to the shouting and watch the spinnakers bloom!
Last updated 2:46pm on 21 January 2025