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Sail Chat 14.4.2024

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At last we are back sailing, albeit on a reduced scale but back! Along with the activities on Benn 1, which were considerable and very successful, the pics on Whats-app clearly show the efforts and effects. Great credit must go to all those that contributed to making our safety boat (how much more suitable is that title) like new! John Heath got the engine working after that really long lay off which is commendable and George put on some handsome lineage. Rob continued with fighting the door to the balcony, I think the old door made it one all!

So to the sailing - wisely race officer Roger postponed until the afternoon when the breeze started to cooperate, bristling when the sun was in and abating when out. Out then went the HSS David in his Solo, James Peel and James Bay in their Comets and me with Jane in the Enterprise. A short course was set F mark up river and a close H down stream which suited the frisky, at times, SSW wind, which really helped to stem the still strong current. Eight delightful laps ensued in about an hour - a really delightful sail without incident and the tacking and gybing was a joy. Perfect mark placing for the conditions!

James Warren assisted Roger, Angela timed us and Anna and Lucy Penwarden made us a delicious Tea. As usual a really good turn out for tea and a massive effort by many putting Ben 1 back in the water. We were not the only river club out, Tamesis held a very successful Enterprise open on Saturday and had club racing thereafter.

See you next week hopefully Phill

Last updated 4:08pm on 13 October 2024

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